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Uhh. . . , Who's at the Back UwU cat ?

UwU cat is having a Class :)

Muito bom eu ameii

tbh im falling in love with my new oc TT

(i cant think of a name though)

leo or scor?-

leo is a good name :D

How do you 'unzip' the file?

normally when you go to open it says it wont work like its supposed to and if you wanted to extract the file


I can't open it I need help please help me≤3

download it again.


Here's my oc is a cool mod!

Need help to open it pls help


Muito bom, pena q n consegui colocar as minhas músicas pra tocar :(

Oh I like Avata Khun-chan, can you leave your youtube name!!

Deleted 2 years ago

Deleted 2 years ago




DOWNLOAD FULLSCREENIZER IF YOU WANT IT TO BE FULLSCREEN (or does it come with fullscreenizer?)

My computer is dead I think?????????? It might overload with how many mods im installing lol


sisters .n.
The cyan girl oc code:


The green hair oc code:


Omg the avatar is so cool😍💅


Deleted 227 days ago

thanksss :)

Esse gacha é só pra celular 64 bit? Porque no meu não instala mesmo limpando e dando espaço não instala, eu instalei no meu emulador e foi só que eu queria no celular mesmo ._.

No meu que é de 32 bits funcionou :v

it wont lemme open cuz of native extension thingy?? how do I fix it

(1 edit)

how do i fix the native extension thing? it wont let me run it. It says the native extension is missing

Uhm i have like, a big problem, i have gacha neon, but i am tempted to download this instead BUT i alr grew attatched to the characters i made. If i download gacha redux, will it replace gacha neon? (argh i am so stupid :sob: )

all the content will be reset i believe, you can transfer your characters tho


Great mod, the dev team did a great job, here is a character i made with the mod. the backgrounds are also very good 


and another one

Deleted 227 days ago
Deleted 227 days ago

Is it just me or does the music sound alot like the sims4 music, i actually checked if i had sims open a few times haha- cool mod though

64 bit the first one Second one 32 bit

It wont let me go to page three in jackets, it keeps kicking me out

bn lm sao tạo ra đc gacha vậy chỉ mình với lm ơn hãy trả lời tôi vì tôi rất muốn lm ra cái gacha có những người thân yêu thích

bn lm sao tạo ra đc gacha vậy chỉ mình với lm ơn hãy trả lời tôi vì tôi rất muốn lm ra cái gacha có những người thân yêu thích

bn lm sao tạo ra đc gacha vậy chỉ mình với lm ơn hãy trả lời tôi vì tôi rất muốn lm ra cái gacha có những người thân yêu thích

bn lm sao tạo ra đc gacha vậy chỉ mình với lm ơn hãy trả lời tôi vì tôi rất muốn lm ra cái gacha có những người thân yêu thích

bn lm sao tạo ra đc gacha vậy chỉ mình với lm ơn hãy trả lời tôi vì tôi rất muốn lm ra cái gacha có những người thân yêu thích

Why won't it open on PC? I tried reinstalling it, but that didn't work.


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Deleted 2 years ago

wow love it!

Deleted 227 days ago



I love this!


I love this sh♡t  Seriously


I hate i cant get it on iphone guess patients is the key 

yup- it sucks trying to get it on I-phone many diffeyways but it never works ;-;


¿Por qué no puedo cambiarle el color de piel a más oscuro? ¿Hice algo que no va?

Su chaqueta / camisa es marrón. Hazlo de un color diferente

Gracias por corregirme!!! ^u^

i can make the aftons more detailed now ehhhh

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